Learn How Our Patient Acquisition System Can Fill Your

Calendar With 10+ New Patient Appointments Every Week.

Without Calling Leads


Learn How Our Patient Acquisition System Can Fill Your Calendar With 10+ New Patient Appointments Every Week.

Without Calling Leads

Unlock The

True Potential

Of Your Clinic

Unlock The True Potential

Of Your Clinic

Collaborate with skilled professionals who help you achieve success and attract more patients by building a consistent acquisition system.

Collaborate with skilled professionals who help you achieve success and attract more patients by building a consistent acquisition system.


Leverage our expert team and cutting-edge technology to shortcut your way to 7 Figures in revenue


"Sema Scaling transformed our online presence. Their dedication and energy brought a refreshing dynamic to our patient acquisition."

- Ashley B.


"I'll admit, I was a bit skeptical initially. Martim's youth made me wonder if he had the experience we needed. But damn, I was wrong. Their insights and strategies are years ahead of any other agency we've worked with."

— Dr. Robert.


"Martim and his team went beyond our expectations, the growth we've experienced speaks volumes...

28 new patients in a month"

— Bet H.


Amelia started her clinic very recently and contacted us because she needed help with getting more patients.

Since working with us she has consistently gotten 20+ appointments every month and was able to grow her business!

Sergio T.

Sergio has been working with us for about 4 months now. We have helped him skyrocket his business by delivering consistent results.

Sofia & John Dooley

They have been working with us for only 30 Days and have already booked 23 Prepaid Appointments.

An ROI like this is unseen...

Nathan Moore

Nathan decided to join the family business and he acknowledged there were some problems that needed to be solved and that's when he found us.


Apart from our Appointment Booking Program, Cindy also wanted to do some Reactivation Campaigns.

Luckily this is one of the bonuses we offer!

Joe R.

Joe runs a weight loss clinic and is our longest client to date! We have been able to deliver consistent results throughout our journey together.

We aim for a long term partnerships here at Sema Scaling.

The Ultimate

Marketing Strategy

For Your Clinic

Collaborate with skilled professionals who understand the industry, offering a customized Marketing System to optimize your Patient Acquisition.

Experts in Conversions

❌ We don't build websites

❌ We don't manage your socials

❌ We don't do email marketing

❌ We don't grow your Instagram or TikTok

We find, nurture and schedule Patients for you.

We focus on 1 thing that actually works and do it really, really well, when you do everything, you do NOTHING

❌ We don't build websites

❌ We don't manage your socials

❌ We don't do email marketing

❌ We don't grow your Instagram or TikTok

We find, nurture and schedule Patients for you.

We focus on 1 thing that works and do it really well, when you do everything, you do NOTHING


The Social Funnel

We build out Social Media Ad Campaigns to generate 10+ new patient appointments per week.


Instant & Long-Term Results

Our "Patient Pro" System helps you get QUICK results and then sustain those results over the long-term.

Important Features

In Our System

Targeting: Experience precise targeting with our Trained Pixel that finds high-quality potential patients.

Filtering: Patients are financial qualified through our proven funnels and booked inside your calendar by our team to keep things personalized and unique.

Sales: We repackage your treatments to make them more valuable and easy to sell.

The ultimate advantage? No more chasing leads. With our DFY system, you simply attend the appointments we arrange.


We go beyond simple marketing, we educate the patients about your treatments, making it evident that you're the top choice.

We've spent the past 2+ years and over 1 Million dollars in AD Spend building and perfecting our current system.

The digital world evolves rapidly. That's why we're tirelessly working every day, refining and optimizing your campaign to ensure it operates with precision and no opportunity is missed.


Clinics looking to become the leading specialist within their community.

Clinics looking to develop systems so they can focus on providing the best experience possible to their patients.

Clinics looking to differentiate themselves and crush their competition.

Clinics looking to attract patients that stay with them for months.

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